

  References: English Hints(2021)Short and Long vowels in English. Pronunciation Studio(December,2013) 10 English pronunciation errors by Spanish speaker. English Language and Usage(2016) S-pronunciation at the beginning of a sentence.   Brenda. (11 de November de 2020). OxfordHouse . Obtenido de Noack, K. (26 de Septiembre de 2018). Tongue Twisters From A to Z . Obtenido de  


  Laura's Conclusion         Dectecting pronunciation error and design exercises was really meaningful for my learning.Taking into account that as future teacher I must identify the error that my futures students will commit, because I could identify the main erros that Spanish native speakers commit at the moment to speak English as the bad pronunciation of the consonants of ´´b´´ and ´´v´´ . Besides the exercise that we introduce in this blog are really helpful for English students can practice all these weaknesses. At the beggining was a little bit difficult to indentify these errors and to add exercises for each error but I considered that they are the most common error that Spanish native speaker commit.        The strengths of this project is really important, because the purpose of it is that students that are learning a L2 in this case English can identify that exist errors they can commit in English that sometimes they apply for the ...

Pronunciation Errors Part #1

    The V and the B are Pronounced the Same In the Spanish alpahbet, we find the both letters v and b. Although in few centuries ago both b and v are pronounced with two different sounds nowadays these letters are pronounced as the same phoneme in Spanish language, so is for thatt the Spanish speakers pronounce the Spanish ´´b´´ in all English words that are spelled both B and V. But this problem is easier to solve because consonant ´´v´´ is produce when we put our upper teeth on our lower lip while the consonat ´´b´´ , its sound is produced when we close our lips. Exercise #1    : Sound Bingo to identify the sounds of the V and B Objective:     In the following bingo, you could find the following phoneme of the letters b and v. The objective of this activity is that you can identify the differences of pronunciation between b and v. You can repeat the activity the time you think is necessary.   Steps: 1.        First...

Pronunciation Errors Part #2

 Short and Long Vowels   The single biggest pronunciation for Spanish speakers is that their language does not have a distinction between short and long vowels. For example, the long "ee" sound in "seat" with the short "I" sound in "sit". If you confuse these sounds, you end up saying completely different words. This can get confusing in conversation and force people to draw much more from the context of your speech than the speech itself. Some examples: bit/beat Not/note batter/barter pull/pool These words are pronounced with different mouth positions as well as different lengths, focusing on that can help students distinguish between the minimal pairs above even if they don't fully get the hang of vowel length.  First Exercise : Sometimes short and long vowels are difficult to pronounce and distinguish, the next exercise consists of reading and analyzing the different words and circulating the option you believe is correct. mail, nail, came...

Identifying and Correcting English Pronunciation Errors in Spanish Speakers

  Introduction  As Spanish speakers that we are learning a second language, sometimes can be a huge challenge, because in English we usually commit some problems with the pronunciation, because between English and Spanish there is a pronunciation totally different. In this blog, we talk about of Error Analysis and it  is konw as a method used to certificate the errors that appear in the learner language. Resolve whether those errors are systematic, and if possible explain what caused them. Here, native speakers of the target language who listen to students of this target language probably find learner's erros very notable.  Mispronunciation is the habit to pronounce a word incorrectly. This act on many occasions can be repetitive and perturb for the listeners.  In most cultures, incorrect pronunciation is synonymous of poor education, and you can even be humiliated by your vague way of speaking, because word knowledge is learned by reading, listening, and practi...