Laura's Conclusion
Dectecting pronunciation error and design exercises was really meaningful for my learning.Taking into account that as future teacher I must identify the error that my futures students will commit, because I could identify the main erros that Spanish native speakers commit at the moment to speak English as the bad pronunciation of the consonants of ´´b´´ and ´´v´´ . Besides the exercise that we introduce in this blog are really helpful for English students can practice all these weaknesses. At the beggining was a little bit difficult to indentify these errors and to add exercises for each error but I considered that they are the most common error that Spanish native speaker commit.
The strengths of this project is really important, because the purpose of it is that students that are learning a L2 in this case English can identify that exist errors they can commit in English that sometimes they apply for the influence of the L1 in this case Spanish. The thing that I liked in this project was to create these exercise with my classmate for other people can iprove thir error pronunciation practicing them. In brief, I leanred that at the moment of studying a second language existe a lot of errors that we can commit at the moment of speaking it. However this activity will be usefult both as students because i could practice and improve this pronunciation error and as student, I could apply to my futures students can improve their pronunciation.
Sara's Conclusion
The experience of pronunciation errors was gratifying because I learned that almost all Spanish speakers have these pronunciation problems and maybe they do not realize it, it is an involuntary act. I realized while doing the exercises that the only way to improve pronunciation errors is by practicing and listening. some of our mistakes were the inadvertent use of Es- to pronounce S- at the beginning of a word. Another problem was not knowing when a vowel is short and when it is long, with this problem you have to understand the Spanish speaker because in Spanish there are fewer vowel sounds than in English. The pronunciation of consonants at the end of words is also another problem for Spanish speakers and finally, the problem of the v / b is that many of the Spanish speakers have this problem when pronouncing it in Spanish and English.
I had no difficulties designing exercises, I really liked designing them because it made me think as a student and as a teacher. The strengths of the project were to give appropriate exercises to each error, because in many classrooms it is taught but not practiced in order to improve, and our main objective was to provide the tools to eradicate the error. With my future students, I hope to be creative with pronunciation exercises so that they learn in a fun way and playing. In conclusion, the process of eliminating our bad pronunciation requires time, practice and effort, if we put effort we will see results that will be worthwhile.
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